Ulica Cesare Vismara

Dragi prijatelji,

Uskoro će se navršiti pet godina od kako naš dragi Cesare Vismara nije sa nama. 16. oktobra 2009. godine, tragično je nastradao braneći boje srpske trobojke na Svetskom šampionatu u džet ski-ju u Americi, u Lake Havasu City-ju. Nastupajući za takmičarski tim Srbije od 2007. godine, doprineo je 9. poziciji naše zemlje među 10 najuspešnijih zemalja sveta 2007. godine.

Zbog preranog i tragičnog odlaska, nije dočekao Rešenje o prijemu u državljanstvo Republike Srbije, koje je u međuvremenu podneo i kom se toliko radovao.

U znak sećanja na njega, takmičarski tim Džet Ski saveza Srbije nastupa pod imenom „Team Cesare Vismara Serbia“, a od 2010. godine organizujemo svake godine „Cesare Vismara Memorial“.

Rado ga se sećamo i spominjemo na svakom Svetskom šampionatu u Americi, a ovom peticijom bi smo želeli da se zahvalimo njemu i jegovoj porodici na izuzetnoj hrabrosti i ljubavi prema našoj zemlji i džet ski sportu, što je i dokazao nastupajući za Srbiju.

Stoga vas molimo da svojim potpisom podržite ovu inicijativu i omogućite da jedna beogradska ulica dobije ime po Ćezaru Vizmari.

S poštovanjem,

Džet Ski savez Srbije


Dear friends,

Soon, it will be five years since our beloved Cesare Vismara is not with us. October 16, 2009, he was tragically died, defending the colors of Serbian flag at the World Finals in USA, Lake Havasu City. Representing and competing for Team Serbia since 2007, he is partly contributed to the 9th position of our country at the list of 10 most successful countries in 2007.

Because of his premature and tragically departure, he didn’t live enough to receive the decision of admission to the Serbian citizenship, which he apply in the meanwhile and which he was looking forward to.

In the sign of his memory, racing team of Jet Ski Association of Serbia was changed the name in “Team Cesare Vismara Serbia” and since 2010. we organize every year “Cesare Vismara Memorial” race.

We remember him with the happiness and sadness in the same time and we mentioned him at every World Finals. With this petition we would like to thank him and his family in exceptional courage and love for our country and the Jet Ski sport, which he proved while he was racing for Serbia.

Therefore, we would like to please you support this initiative by your signature and to enable that one street in Belgrade gets the name of Cesare Vizmara.


With respect,

Jet Ski Association of Serbia