Слобода за Андреjа Гњота!
Da Srbija ne bi postala kao Lukašenkova Belorusija!Radmilo Tomić (Belgrade, 2024-06-25)
Zato što se zalažem za sloboduVladimir Beljić (Novi Sad, 2024-06-25)
Because I believe in human right to have freedom of speechМарта Милкина (Белград, 2024-06-25)
Tamo ga ceka pakaoMirna Obrenovic (Beograd, 2024-06-25)
We, Belarusian people, are suffering starting from 2020 when the protests happened in our country. I'll describe our situation in a nutshell. Lukashenko is a "leader" who is in power for almost 3 decades. In the election process of 2020 most of the people was voting against him, but the election results from "central election commission" was "80% for him". OSCE, the people and the activists has agreed on that the elections was faked. There's a bunch of evidence made by belarussian non-governmental organizations related to this topic, so it's a proven fact.The people went out to the streets on a peaceful protest which is allowed by the constitution, and after that the torturing has started.
The police was torturing people and killing them. Explicitly and implicitly, inside and outside of the police department.
This is a massive tradegy for the people of the republic of Belarus. Genocide performed by the government that is keeping the power by the force and the police till now
The people like us were running from the country as soon as possible, leaving OWN country just to be alive and not to be jailed for a political prosecution.
In 2024, Belarus still contains 1400+ political prisoners in jail. Environment in the belarusian jails where the political prisoners are being stored are considered inhumane. The health of the prisoners are being affected by the environment. Some of our people are dying in here
Andrey Gnyot is one of those people who's in danger of being prosecuted for the political cause. If he'll be returned to Belarus, he'll be jailed or tortured. "GUBOPiK" won't let him go freely. All those consequences could result in health damage or even literal death
Please help us, the people of Belarus!
Please don't add another prisoner to our jails and you could potentially save another life
Anonymising and using non-primary email for safety purposes. I just don't want to have the same issue as Andrey have right now or endanger someone related to me.
But the email is still reachable - I won't remove it for now
We just want to be free and stay alive
Long live Belarus!
Yaska-spadar Spadvilni (Beograd, 2024-06-26)
SLOBODA ODMAH ZA ANDREJA !!!Vidal Efremov (Bor, 2024-06-26)
Humanitarni razlozi treba da imaju prednost u odnosu na sporazume između režima.Anna Rostokina (Požega, 2024-06-28)
I read a story of this man on BBC, he shouldn't be enjailed. No to putins and lukashenkas!Anna Dreisen (Darmstadt, 2024-07-17)
Potpisujem zato što mora da pobedi demokratija i da se Srbija ne bruka.Anita Pavković (Beograd, 2024-07-18)
Želim pravnu državu koja štiti integritet svih građana I ne čini ustupke diktatorskim režimima!Sloboda za Gnjota!
Anđelka Mrđa (Beograd, 2024-07-18)
Apsolutno sam za slobodu govora i političkog mišljenja. Niko zbog svojih stavova (ako ne ugrožavaju prava drugih) ne sme biti utamničen.Dejana Milijić Subić (Beograd, 2024-08-14)
Я подписываюсь, потому что стоять за свободу, за правду, за мир, за справедливость - это не преступление. Сербия, не становись соучастницей кровавых преступлений чужого диктатора! Сербия, верни Андрею свободу!Ekaterina Kulieva (Malaga, 2024-08-20)
Podrska za slobodne ljude.Milanka Bosnjak (Novi Sad, 2024-08-21)
Я подписываюсь, потому что считаю, что страны Европы должны бороться с диктатурами, а не помогать им. Свободу Андрею!Tatiana Kulieva (Malaga, 2024-08-21)
Sloboda za Andreja Gnjota!Gulnara Mukhametchina (Savona, 2024-08-23)
FREEDOM FOR ANDREJ GNJOT!Tomas Hopkins (Nicosia, 2024-08-23)
Belarus is a dictatorship. 1400 political prisoners. Dont make Andrej another one.Inga-Lina Lindqvist (Stockholm, 2024-08-23)
Smatram da je ispunjen uslov iz čl. 57. Ustava Republike Srbije kojim je utvrđeno pravo na utočište stranca. Na osnovu onog što je opšte-poznato o režimu u Belorusiji, na žalost, verujem da je život ovog čoveka u sulučaju njegove isporuke beloruskom režimu najblaže rečeno ugrožen.Siguran sam da su postupajuće sudije svesne od kolike važnosti je poštovanje Ustava, koliko je bitno očuvati nezavisnost funkcije, kao i koliko je plemenito zaštititi čoveka u ovakvoj situaciji.
Marko Tešić (Novi Sad, 2024-08-24)
Sloboda Andreju Gnjotu!Jelena Šarović (Niš, 2024-08-24)
Потому что ни один человек не должен быть в руках диктатора!Галина Altman (Maderid, Rivas-Vaciamadrid, 2024-08-24)
¡No entreguen la opresión de Andrei al dictador Lukashenko! Su extradición fue solicitada por un caso falso porque es activista y se opone al poder ilegal de Lukashenko y a la tortura en las cárceles bielorrusas.Liuba Stenyakina (Madrid, 2024-08-24)
Zato sto se nadam da se Srbija razlikuje od BelorusijeNatalija Panić (Beograd, 2024-08-24)
Nezamislivo mi je da moja zemlja, još uvek je to, izruči čoveka, Andreja, vlastima njegove zemlje od koje se sklonio kod nas, a da nikakvo nedelo nije učinio.Ljubica Minić (Beograd Vračar, 2024-08-25)
Niko u Srbiji ne sme da izručuje građane fašističkim državama!Dejan Novaković (Beograd, 2024-08-25)
Органи Р.Србије морају да заштитите Андреја Гњота од политичког прогона за изручење, по захтеву Белорусије. Изручење би било саучесништво, у тешким животним последицама по Андреја, кршење људских права, демократије и основних слобода.Tatjana Kolarska (Beograd, 2024-08-25)
Za sloboduEkaterina Kryshkina (Novi Sad, 2024-08-25)
/Ivan Čolović (Beograd, 2024-08-25)
Represivni režimi proždiru prvo svoje najbolje i najhrabrije građane. Borbu protiv tiranije i autokratije treba svesrdno podržati, ma gde da se odvija!Bojana Grujić (Novi Sad, 2024-08-26)
release Andrej Gnjot! his extradition means support for the dictatorship of Belarus regime!Andrei Antonov (Valencia, 2024-08-27)
I am signing this petition because I don't want a man to be imprisoned for his political views and his opposition to Lukashenko's regime in Belarus. Free Andrey Gnyot!Aleksei Burnashev (Chicago, 2024-08-27)
Želim pravdu i slobodu za sve! Za Andreja Gnjota, za sve slobodnomisleće, humane i hrabre ljude!Radmila Đorđević (Kragujevac, 2024-08-27)
Жыве Беларусь!Россия будет счастливой!
Евгений Крещенский (Волгоградская область, 2024-08-28)
Потому что на родине жизнь Андрея под угрозой. Право на жизнь человека должно быть превыше всего!Anastasia M (Barcelona, 2024-08-29)