Peticija protiv dodjele nagrade za mir Mustafi Ceriću

Quoted post



2012-01-26 00:58

Nek mi neko navede jedan razlog zbog kojeg je zasluzio nagradu za mir,makar u svojoj mahali.Mozda promjenim misljenje.Volila bi da grijesim.



#29 Re:

2012-01-27 10:09:16

#7: sanja -

Cerić je dobio slijedeće nagarde:

He was the co-recipient of the 2003 UNESCO Felix Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize[9] and recipient of the International Council of Christians and Jews Annual Sternberg Award “for exceptional contribution to interfaith understanding."[10] He also received the 2007 Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung award for his contribution to spreading and strengthening democracy."[11] In 2007, he was named the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK “in recognition of his distinguished contributions to better understanding between Faiths, outstanding scholarship, for promoting a climate of respect and peaceful co-existence, and a wider recognition of the place of faith in Europe and the West.”[12] He is also a 2008 recipient of Eugen Biser Foundation award for his efforts in promoting understanding and peace between Islamic and Christian thought.[13] In 2008, Cerić accepted the invitation of Tony Blair to be on the advisory council of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.[14]


#71 Re: sanja

2012-01-27 13:15:16

#7: sanja -

Licemjerno je od tebe da pogrdno govoriš o poglavaru vjerske institucije kojoj očigledno ne pripadaš ,hajde ti navedi samo 1 razlog zbog kojeg nebi trebao dobiti nagradu !

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2012-01-27 14:09:47