Peticija protiv dodjele nagrade za mir Mustafi Ceriću

Eat your hearts out haters!

/ #385

2012-02-03 12:12


Dr. Mustafa Ceric is the Raisu-l-Ulama of Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Grand Mufti of Bosnia since 1993. He is also the Grand Mufti of Sanjak, Croatia and Slovenia. He is reelected at the position of Raisu-l-Ulama 2005.

He was born in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1952.

He graduated from Madrasah in Sarajevo as well as the Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo. In 1987 received his Ph.D. in Islamic studies from the University of Chicago, where he studied under the late Dr. Fazlur Rahman.

He served as an imam (Islamic Cultural Center, Chicago and Islamic Center of Zagreb, Croatia) and professor in Bosnia (Faculty of Islamic Schiences), Malaysia (International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kulalulumpur) and the United States (American Islamic College, Chicago).

He is the co-recipient of the 2003 UNESCO Felix Houphoet Boigny Peace Prize for Contribution to World Peace and recipient of the International Council of Christians and Jews Annual Sir Sternberg Award for exceptional contribution to interfaith understanding. He is co-signatory of an Open letter by Muslim personalities, meant as a reply to the Regesburg speech by Pope Benedict XVI and expressing essential positions on questions about Islam and reason, Islam and violence, and Islam and Christanity ("The letter by 139", 13 Oct 2006), and co-signatory of "A Common Word Between Us and You" – a appeal addressed to all Christian churches, for dialogue on the basis of love of God and love of the neighbour ("The Letter by 138", 13 Oct 2007). In Germany dr. Ceric has been awarded the Theodor-Heuss-Award 2007 and the Eugen-Biser-Award 2008. Further more, Dr Ceric was the recipient of 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award from AMSS UK, co recipient of the King Abdullah I Bin Al-Hussein International Award 2010 for intellectual contribution to spreading Islamic tradition and culture.

Dr. Ceric is a member of several local and international scientific organizations and societies, including the Interreligious Council of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Foundation of Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial and Cemetery,
the Council of 100 Leadres of the World Economic Forum, the European Council for Fatwas and Research, World Conference of Religions for Peace, the Executive Committee of the European Council of Religious Leaders, the Board of Trustees of International Islamic University Islamabad, the Sharia'h Board of Bosnia Bank International, the Fiqh Academy in Mecca, Aal Albayt Foundation for Islamic Thought in Jordan, the World Council of Religions for Peace, International Commission for Peace Research chaired by dr. Henry Kissinger, UNESCO, Executive Council of World Forum of Ulama and Writers Association of Renewal from Jordan.

He has delivered numerous lectures and led several workshops on interreligious and interfaith issues at local and international conferences.

He authored «Roots of Synthetic Theology in Islam»; «A Choice Between War and Peace», and «European Muslim Declaration» among other numerous publications in Bosnian as «Religion, Nation and Homeland”.

He speaks fluently Arabic and English.