
/ #13 pravda za Stefana

2012-11-30 17:14

My example of pregnancy were able to learn in school because that was for example a child healthy, normal, large .... I went to hospital 12.01.2011 at 06h because my water broke, there starts my whole sick .... on the table I was already at 07h about noon I was involved induction and interrupted, so we included .... doctor who has followed my pregnancy is found on duty that day and I thought I was so lucky. I was scheduled for a caesarean section because I wore a very high child but the doctor changed his mind because he thought that I could birth normally which was the biggest mistake because I have not received voltages but only pain ... I begged them to give me the epidural, offered money for him, offering money for a caesarean section but no one wanted to hear me told me that I was rude and that I will not to cooperate .... even among the others. milicevic locked itself into a box and said "now is very diliver I'll come just for the child and everyone else do if someone walked in her "..... after 20 hours of delivery was late for everything ... I gave birth to a boy who, after 2 hours immediately evacuated tirsovu the apparatus and it is still there with severe brain damage and nervous system and that there is no hope to survive ...... I hope that this one to see and to know how doctors work in Belgrade and they will for all you have done in court or pay a percent of them to wait or to God when they come to confession .... My advice to you is runn from there as soon as you can that you do not happen to a school paying kravologu who thinks it is god. Andrew Kamber